

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology -COSTECH

Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) is a parastatal organization with the responsibility of co-ordinating and promoting research and technology development activities in the country. It is the chief advisor to the Government on all matters pertaining to science and technology and their application to the socio-economic development of the country.

Established by Act of Parliament No. 7 of 1986 as a successor to the Tanzania National Scientific Research Council, COSTECH became operational in 1988. The Act provides for a structural framework of the Commission, which brings together, the top leadership of the scientific and technological institutions in the country under one forum. Thus the Commission maintains a system of collaboration, consultation and cooperation with parties within Tanzania whose functions relate to the development and application of science and technology. In view of this all major national research and development institutes are affiliated to COSTECH.

Roles of the Commission are as summarized below:
- To advice the Government on all matters relating to S&T including but not limited to the formulation of S&T policy, priority setting for R&D, allocation and utilization of resources.
- To promote, coordinate, monitor and evaluate scientific research and technology development and technology transfer activities in the country.
- To facilitate national, regional and international cooperation in scientific research and technology development and transfer.
- To acquire, store, and disseminate scientific and technological information and popularize S&T



A prime driver of science, technology and innovation for sustainable development


To foster knowledge based economy through promotion, coordination of research, technology development and innovation for sustainable development in Tanzania


Mandate, Functions and Roles

Section 5 (1) of the Act of Parliament No. 7 of 1986 that established COSTECH stipulates the mandate of the Commission as being the principal advisory organ of the Government on all matters relating to scientific research and technology development in the country.

Arising thereto the roles of the Commission are as summarized below:

Institution Logo
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  • To advice the Government on all matters relating to S&T including but not limited to the formulation of S&T policy, priority setting for R&D, allocation and utilization of resources.
  • To promote, coordinate, monitor and evaluate scientific research and technology development and technology transfer activities in the country.
  • To facilitate national, regional and international cooperation in scientific research and technology development and transfer.
  • To acquire, store, and disseminate scientific and technological information and popularize S&T.

The above roles are translated into the following functions:

Formulation of national policies on the development of science and technology

COSTECH has participated in formulation of S&T policy, ICT policy, biotechnology policy etc.

Promotion and coordination of scientific research, technology development, and technology transfer

a)To monitor and co-ordinate the activities relating to scientific research and technology development of all persons or body of persons concerned with such activities.

b)To consult, coordinate and supervise the determination, planning and allocation of funds by national research institutions to R&D projects and programmes within their respective field.

c)To promote carrying out of research in the area of science and technology

d)To examine the R&D programmes of national research institutions, whether or not affiliated to the Commission and advice on the best ways of achieving the objectives of those programmes.

e)To mobilize funds for support and promotion of R&D from both the Government and other sources

f) To carry out independently or in co-operation with any appropriate person, body, agency, or institution such surveys and investigations as the Commission may consider necessary for the proper performance of its functions

g) To identify, within the framework of the national, social, economic and political constraints technological need for the utilization in the different sectors of the economy

h) To make an evaluation and selection of technologies with a view of developing a capacity of decision making in the area of science and technology

i)To act as a catalyst for the development of indigenous technology

j)To provide training for technical persons in various fields of analysis of transfer of technology

k)To prepare plans for the development of technology in the critical sectors of the economy

l)To facilitate the full and advantageous application of research results for the socio-economic development of the country

m)To confer S&T Awards upon any person or institution, or any corporate body which makes within the URT makes an invention or discovery which, in the opinion of the Awards Committee is likely to promote and accelerates the socio-economic development of the URT

n)To administer the National Fund.

National, regional and international cooperation on S&T

a)To advice the Government on regional and international cooperation in scientific research and technology transfer

b)To foster cooperation in all matters relating to science and technology at regional and international levels

c)To promote and support institutional cooperation within the country

Popularization of S&T and dissemination of scientific and technological information

a)To popularize science and technology at all levels including the general public

b)To acquire, store and disseminate scientific and technological information

c)To hold or sponsor conferences, symposia, meetings, seminars or workshops

d)To publish any newspaper, journal or periodical or do any other act or thing designed to promote interest in science and technology

development and technology transfer

e)To acquire and analyze information on alternative sources of technology and its delivery to users.

Official Website: http://www.costech.or.tz

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