

Tanzania Education and Research Network-TERNET


TERNET is a network of Tanzania higher education and research institutions aiming at providing network infrastructure and associated services for enabling sharing of education and research resources inside and outside the country. TERNET was formally registered as a Trust on 11th April 2008 and on 18th April 2008 it became member of UbuntuNet Alliance, a registered non-profit association of National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Eastern and Southern Africa. TERNET membership is open to higher education and research institutions in Tanzania.
TERNET structure consists of five organs: Board of Trustees comprised of maximum of 10 key education and research stakeholders, Executive Committee comprised of maximum of 10 deputies of heads of member institutions, and the Secretariat headed by the Executive Secretary. At the top of all TERNET operations there is an Annual General Meeting (AGM) comprising of all heads of member institutions. Currently, TERNET Secretariat is hosted at the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH). 

TERNET provides various services to member institutions. TERNET peers directly in London with the European Regional Research and Education Network, GEANT through UbuntuNet Alliance.

To be a world leading education and research network through reliable, sustainable, and affordable use of ICTs.

  1. To provide affordable and reliable broadband connectivity to member institutions and be the preferred network for HERIs.
  2. To enable education and research institutions to exploit their full potential using ICTs through collective bargaining and sharing of resources.

  1. The following are the objectives for the establishment of TERNET
  2. To establish a sustainable and high capacity network infrastructure connecting educational and research institutions in Tanzania
  3. To increase the usage of the computer as a tool that stimulates the creativity, critical analysis, the divergent thoughts, the expressive capacity and problems resolution.
  4. To enable Tanzania students to construct their own knowledge as they learn and to develop skills necessary in the highly technological modern society
  5. To establish a human resource base of highly qualified people that will increase the country’s international competence and its successful participation in the globalization process.
  6. To support the establishment and sharing of teaching and learning resources among educational and research institutions in and outside Tanzania.
  7. To enable linkages with and among various economic sectors that can leverage national development.
Official website: https://www.ternet.or.tz

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